Currently, ive realized that im back to my olden ways of advising, only difference is i give to those who seek. Last time i was like those door to door sales man :(
I have not played WoW for almost 2 Months now, ive realized that i have much more time in my hand and that i can think with much ease. Im looking forward to this upcoming Black Eyed Peas concert which will be held in Genting Highlands - DAMN i cant wait....and the beats goes........................... runin runing and running runningrunin runing and running runningrunin runing and running runningrunin runing and running runningrunin runing and running running lets get COOKOOOO
1 for Magic : The Gathering
I want to go BEP but my financial doesn't look good. Sigh. So sad.
n running n running n running...
Momo : Dont worry maybe you can follow us to Thailand :) eheheh
Dan : runing runingruningruningruningruning ehheheh eekekek
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