Monday, February 26, 2007

I know - and im trying

Every time someone thinks or even talk/say about me- its always negative- i represent negativity. I so don't want to be that - but the harder i try not to be that way - the deeper i plunge in to the pool or negativity :(

If someone is reading i suppose you can sense the "sad" / lame part of me- No matter how nice and happy i try to portray myself.... i end up having a bitter end to most of my blog entries, and real life in this case. I was always happy with temporary ecstasy which i had from -friends, family- lovers.

i once heard of an artist who had paintings that looks and felt depressing no matter how hard he tried to make them look happy


eerf had in fact lived to its purpose -
there is no true word for the opposite of free-

that's how i ended up with eerf-- what an irony

this is it the end of my blog :)

thanx for reading

none for


Dan said...

long live eerf. thing no funky no more. :(

Mogg said...

zomg !

go go power rangers !
mighty morphin' power rangeeeers !

here comes megazord !

m3L!$a said...

why all this negativity in you...
boost it up man....
or should i say...booze it up..

B r y a N ` said...

gambateh then!