Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Iam Ga-nan-Z from New Zealand

I was back in Penang last week - l
my plan when i was in Kl was to catch a bus at noon and drop by 6pm at jeti and bribe my friend with a Whooper Burger from Burger King. So with quik liquid speed i dashed to the burger king bought the stuff and lapped to the bus station only to be greeted to "Sorry bang - dwebleh punye baaeh doh lepaieh dah" so i said topo- bagi aku satu punye-so i got in the bus and was on my meery way- then SUDDENLY bas stopped completely - stopped at Tapah and that was it - it stopped fer good- "aleh dik Btheri Kong deh"
so i deviced a plan to hitch hike a from another bus - which only happens to stop at sg.petani which is 2 hours away from penang- so i was told- i said OK- then i started calling people frantically to get my self from sg.petani- but to my luck -my dad happen to hire a van to get my mom n sis to penang- i saw the oppurtinity and took the chance - i told the bus driver to stop me at Bt.Kawan - and walked my way to home only to be delayed for another 2 hours before i was sent to Penang- DRop PG and that was it la - I WHISPERED TO MY SELF GG LA SASI -eehh tercaps lock pula.

man i had to say i patched up every THING - everything that includes you preevena. Im being viewed in a diffrent perspective right now. Being a so called "party leader" - we managed to over come some diffcult times in game.
But im just 65 right now - i know i could do better - so i hafta work deligently to lvl - have target to reach 70 by sunday and raid non stop on Mana tombs and also tempest keep - have some dark agendas right there( note if i have mention it here - it is not so dark anymore)
Had a modest BBQ at moggs- had some Tanni as well- we were all happy and thats what boost is capable of -nothing else and it shud remain that way.

This required to penang
3 seluak dalam
2 seluak pendek
1 jeans stail levi potong lurus
3 baju t-shirt
1 book
1 Jack Daniels 1ltr

things attained at penang
full stomach
happy face
stronger bond wif my geng
and as always- felt like a royality
it`s priceless -

Thanx guys

1 for bryan from parit buntar <----- click here

p.s there is also a link on my friends list on the top right


Anonymous said...

Reading your blog truly test my understanding of the english lang.

Furthermore, y is the comment box lang set to japanese?

Anonymous said...

Btw, Vicknaes posted the msg!

Sasi a.k.a Saz said...

omg thats y i told you guys m- when ever i get these kinda messages i would make a better and understandable post.

btw i think the Japanese part is from ur computer - mine seems English