Ive seen so much things while i was away-- ranting elsewhere... Im chairman of a sosiety-- they call me KING kong -- and the other day i saw a couple fighting in a car.. the husband was strangling her .. she cried out help and said in tamil " Please help me he`s got my neck .. icant breath...then the guys say "rest a sure everything is under control--- and at that moment i knew theat these folks have sumthing personal goin on.. i steped away... and she closed her car door and drove away crying " like it`s a sign -- this is my trouble u cant do anything to change it" SAD day.....
Have a baboon under me.. thats wht the call my society members.. he`s slacking badly..... am really sure i can guide him to the correct way and will achieve wht i was unable to ... tho my lil bro hasnt seem to pay due to his studies.. he say "rest asure" :P LOL.. i hate to be the one to be of unbridled (care to much)
Never realized had so much thing to say.. am worried my blogs to long for ppl to stop and take notice... im never the kind of person to considered.. yet i know well that my actions has a great reaction to a lot of ppl... yet they just chose to do the oppsite..have realized that i need to improve on my timing...
STEADY AS THE RIVER FLOWS........follow me
listen to Swing Swing - AMR (all american rejects)
1 for my society YAY !!
Ps the Jpeg is a random search of my name -sasi
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