You know finally feel that im getting connected wif the ppl that i work and the saying "it`s the bad day that turns good " lly profed the point 2day :p
Today is my frens birhtday.HAPPY BIRTHDAY artmaker hehehehehehe
life is beautiful ahhahahahahaha
listen to this peeps i sure u`ll love it
seishun Kyosoukyoku-
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
I bet u cant
I remembered a friend of mine told me that "hahahaha u writin a blog".."ill give u 3 months..."
seems like im doin pretty fine writting this blog so far.
Anyways life been really really nocturnal fer me for this past month or so .....
man it sucks u know ..not being able to hang out like normal ppl...
My bro is stil not here it bores me to know that i dont really hav much ppl to talk about intelectual stuffs (ikkii grammatical error) apart frm the artmaker
eh he thought me something new today-
seems like im doin pretty fine writting this blog so far.
Anyways life been really really nocturnal fer me for this past month or so .....
man it sucks u know ..not being able to hang out like normal ppl...
My bro is stil not here it bores me to know that i dont really hav much ppl to talk about intelectual stuffs (ikkii grammatical error) apart frm the artmaker
eh he thought me something new today-
"It`s the bad day that turns out to be good"
it`s gonna be a short day - or maybe a loong 1 today ..hope i dont tire my self ...
1 for ..... ( cant think of any1 :P)
Friday, February 18, 2005
Naruto Rawks
Hey peeps did u know that i watch Naruto ..arr..hmmm it`s a great japanese anime and most of my friend watch it i guees u guys should give it a try to .Well if u guys have download manageres then id would be easier..currently it free to be downloaed in it`s fans sub (im not suppose tto advertise about it) so i hope u guys can search it on the web..TRUSt me it`s worth ur time`s seriouly entertaining give it a shot will ya..

anyways today is seriously kinda not productive....
:P :(
1 for my guardian angel ^o^


anyways today is seriously kinda not productive....
:P :(
1 for my guardian angel ^o^
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Lost n found
Yesterday was day 1 with out our daily LAN partner for it was boring :P
I was up at our usuall gang having Dinner last night and we were talking about old clas mates and what we normally did during our teenage years
Which bring me to my artist fren..back in 1995 i was in form 2 see when the school reopens you need to be in class really really early OR at least be punctual for class but NOT late coz u`ll end up getting the worst seast in the class and worst of all no 1 to talk to. :)
Yup u guys guessed it right i came late to class that day and i sat right behind the class from wif no 1 beside me ...but it`s ok i was cool and bored then came in a fairly skinny boobed hair looking guy came in with frameless glasses..i was tolded it was a new boy frm KL. The teachers was telling him something ...... adn told him to take his seat..unfotunately there was none.. BUT there was a desk beside me without a chair .. he came all the way to my place and looked around ..then i said " hey hold on ill get you a chair" - so...i went to the next class room and grabed a chair .. i gave him the chair and offered a place beside me and that`s how i know this fine artmaker. and as usual that day class went on and everything was fine till my fren tok out this sketch book which was filled with sketches of all sorts of things... and thats when i knew this was really really good ...after a while i lost contact wif him for like 4 years then later end quater of 2004 i found him again
TOday i goin to help him paint some pillars outside his office and here some of the pillars...
he changes the paintings every now n then these are just some of it...

Well as u all can see it`s really nice..
and im off to meet him today
now u guys have a nioce day peeps
1 for the artmaker
I was up at our usuall gang having Dinner last night and we were talking about old clas mates and what we normally did during our teenage years
Which bring me to my artist fren..back in 1995 i was in form 2 see when the school reopens you need to be in class really really early OR at least be punctual for class but NOT late coz u`ll end up getting the worst seast in the class and worst of all no 1 to talk to. :)
Yup u guys guessed it right i came late to class that day and i sat right behind the class from wif no 1 beside me ...but it`s ok i was cool and bored then came in a fairly skinny boobed hair looking guy came in with frameless glasses..i was tolded it was a new boy frm KL. The teachers was telling him something ...... adn told him to take his seat..unfotunately there was none.. BUT there was a desk beside me without a chair .. he came all the way to my place and looked around ..then i said " hey hold on ill get you a chair" - so...i went to the next class room and grabed a chair .. i gave him the chair and offered a place beside me and that`s how i know this fine artmaker. and as usual that day class went on and everything was fine till my fren tok out this sketch book which was filled with sketches of all sorts of things... and thats when i knew this was really really good ...after a while i lost contact wif him for like 4 years then later end quater of 2004 i found him again
TOday i goin to help him paint some pillars outside his office and here some of the pillars...
he changes the paintings every now n then these are just some of it...

Well as u all can see it`s really nice..
and im off to meet him today
now u guys have a nioce day peeps
1 for the artmaker
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Patientce is a VIRTUE Rrahahararagaharagahj
You see patience is like ...... trying to lift an ash(ciggy) wit ur fingers-try it .*impossible* i tell you. I had some errants recently at town, i was suppose to be a 15 minute work BUt it took an eternity to get it done inffact i wasnt able to complete it that day!!! Some egoistic rich fool was bitching that his *GOLD* amex was rejected while he was about to pay for his insurans- my turn was after him :P now wht happened was that he decided to pay via check and went to his i came in for my turn and out of the blues..that same guy came in and tryed to called the amex call centre wit his techy hand phone which i believe he doesnt even know how to fully utilize and was givving me a hard time .He just came barging in to the person who was serving me and passed his mobile to him and said this " Could you pls takl to this person on the line- ive been here for an hour allreadyy and this will just take 5 mins of ur time ." man i tell you that is just simply RUDE!!! i say u have a problem wif the card you get it fixed else whre" aight"...
but anywasy the credit card machine read" card not accepted" BUT the moron keep insisting to reSwipe..ish some ppl!!! anywasy i went to the insurans place today and i asked "so wht happned yesterday ..about the amex card holder"
they just said "Oh we dont accecpt AMEX" ( i talke to my self " i know that")
anyways our seaman is leaving tomorrow to work :(( sob sob T.T
but wht can we say life has to go on!!!!!
BUT life sure is fun know YOU ..yes those who are reading this ,... adios mocha chos
1 for the seaman ..we`ll miss you T.T
but anywasy the credit card machine read" card not accepted" BUT the moron keep insisting to reSwipe..ish some ppl!!! anywasy i went to the insurans place today and i asked "so wht happned yesterday ..about the amex card holder"
they just said "Oh we dont accecpt AMEX" ( i talke to my self " i know that")
anyways our seaman is leaving tomorrow to work :(( sob sob T.T
but wht can we say life has to go on!!!!!
BUT life sure is fun know YOU ..yes those who are reading this ,... adios mocha chos
1 for the seaman ..we`ll miss you T.T
Monday, February 14, 2005
What?? Valentine`s Day again......???
This has been my 2 year alone. yes it does suck to know that ur alone sometimes ..but honestly speaking and still have my friend and also family to take care of me ..though at least fer now :P. Isnt it ironic when ur sad and low they seem to play all those song that are so fitted to ur mood.. currenly im listening to I miss you by blink182... But come to think of it i really want to listen to Annie Lennox-No more i Love u`s LOL
On the bright side of my life life is soo NOW and kickin i just love the new me ever since is start bloogging- i dont know it seems like im connecting to so ppl out there god know whos viewing it NOW.
I had some1 telling me with load of laughters sayin dude- Stop advertising ur blog :P lol - talk about honesty.. i just love the how people around you work sometimes...... You i had a friend once said " ill give you 3 months and u`d soon quit bloging..." honestly?? im not sure my self if what he did say was goin to happen
"i want don`t wannaa be anything other than what i wanna be me lately !!! "
- Gavin DeGraw-
hey till then i wanna take this oppurtunity to wish Happy valentine to my MOm and all those ppl who have made me MOVe.. thank you soo much i love you ALL
1 for ALL just for today...... ;) keep smilling

This is one of my good friends art it`s called Little Lights
Saturday, February 12, 2005
Keep your cool
You see when ever im up to fetch my god brother ian he`s allways in a mood doent matter wht hes at he`d just spit the words right at you...
He`s totally insensitive but god forbide ...let him be the way he is ...
Everyday when ever he behaves rude or "himself" i`d allways let him know
"Remember - doesnt matter wht mood are u in, just make sure you dont spoil other ppls mood"
Well im still trying mold him thay all say let life take it`s own path.
Seemed like i really dont have much to say ,cos im not really in a mood to talk(radio distorted*)
JUst bare this in mind- allwasy keep ur cool...
He`s totally insensitive but god forbide ...let him be the way he is ...
Everyday when ever he behaves rude or "himself" i`d allways let him know
"Remember - doesnt matter wht mood are u in, just make sure you dont spoil other ppls mood"
Well im still trying mold him thay all say let life take it`s own path.
Seemed like i really dont have much to say ,cos im not really in a mood to talk(radio distorted*)
JUst bare this in mind- allwasy keep ur cool...
Keep your cool
You see when ever im up to fetch my god brother ian he`s allways in a mood doent matter wht hes at he`d just spit the words right at you...
He`s totally insensitive but god forbide ...let him be the way he is ...
Everyday when ever he behaves rude or "himself" i`d allways let him know
"Remember - doesnt matter wht mood are u in, just make sure you dont spoil other ppls mood"
Well im still trying mold him thay all say let life take it`s own path.
Seemed like i really dont have much to say ,cos im not really in a mood to talk(radio distorted*)
JUst bare this in mind- allwasy keep ur cool...
He`s totally insensitive but god forbide ...let him be the way he is ...
Everyday when ever he behaves rude or "himself" i`d allways let him know
"Remember - doesnt matter wht mood are u in, just make sure you dont spoil other ppls mood"
Well im still trying mold him thay all say let life take it`s own path.
Seemed like i really dont have much to say ,cos im not really in a mood to talk(radio distorted*)
JUst bare this in mind- allwasy keep ur cool...
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Kudos to the Achievers
Im seriously a freak when it comes to meeting wif high achievers in life ..i can just sit around there and listen to their sucess stories, i`d just droole over and feed my self to their stories and motive me to sore.
Yesterday i had a friend who told me his strugle in life and how he came through it wif flying be honest i was seriously flattred that he`d actually share his life sucess wif lemme just state a point here some ppl its just another day at a Mamak stall but yesterday was 1 of those days where the topic was somethign that i have a LOt on interest in. Speaking about succesors look up for Tata Ratan ...he`s 1 of the fortune 500 fellas...
dang no time will write soon till then ponder this
Why dont i buy you a cuppa coffee and you tell me how you got your 1st million, sounds like a deal? see ya soon
Yesterday i had a friend who told me his strugle in life and how he came through it wif flying be honest i was seriously flattred that he`d actually share his life sucess wif lemme just state a point here some ppl its just another day at a Mamak stall but yesterday was 1 of those days where the topic was somethign that i have a LOt on interest in. Speaking about succesors look up for Tata Ratan ...he`s 1 of the fortune 500 fellas...
dang no time will write soon till then ponder this
Why dont i buy you a cuppa coffee and you tell me how you got your 1st million, sounds like a deal? see ya soon
Sunday, February 06, 2005
Kena Number
Hey ya ...Sunday was seriously FUN FUN FUN i had so much fun that i totally lost my self. Summore kena "beh piau" magnum4d Rm120 YAY!! me and a bunch of my friends placed our bets on numerous numbers and guess wht we KENA !!! then we shared the payout among 4 ppl i got 25% Man is that sweet or wht. Apart frm that i We were owning on Dota(warcratf III). Im really looking forward to this CNY i sure there is somethign in store fer me.Today is monday goin Pragin MAll where the tukaus hangout ( no offence) just lepak......
and ill tell u what happens later till then ......Im not sure if life is fair or not but im defanatly sure that life is f#@cking beautiful and if urs aint just call me man i try to do something.
1 for the cheeky BOne fleetchy OCF..kudos mah man.. :P
and ill tell u what happens later till then ......Im not sure if life is fair or not but im defanatly sure that life is f#@cking beautiful and if urs aint just call me man i try to do something.
1 for the cheeky BOne fleetchy OCF..kudos mah man.. :P
Friday, February 04, 2005
Dont be nocturnal
Today is jusy splendid.... you se i cant press 3 on my mobile, so that means i wont be able to type "DEF" and believe me its really hard to sms some without having to type "DEF"- but just yester day i was able to press it!!so that night i wanted to sms some person -just to thank him for giving me a second chance. just as i started to type " i feel much bet.." and thats it my phone gave u it wont gimme "DEF" again.. i just felt demoralized and kept the phone away. anways i feel that i should publish that sms least i voiced out my mind>
" thank you so much for- giving me a second chance"
ps-this guy made me realize some shit in live.....
Nevermind that!! about my title today.... u know it really suck to have great time wif ur frens only to realize that the time is 3.30am and u have work to do at 5am.But i just love it when u have all ur close friends wif you chilling out at the 'mamak' or somewhere jus doin somethin 2gather, thats wheen u start talking stories that are FOS(full of shit) and laugh out loud.
Speaking of close frens.. i have this fren of mine who works off shore.. man that dude is the man..he works his ass of fer like 60-70 days off shore (no holidays in between 12 hours a day) only to come back down to penang for like 4 -15 days of break- poor guys in allwasys on call 24-7.When they call him he has to drop wht ever hes doin and catch the next fight back to work :(
On the other hand its day 3 on my frens art show and i sms-ed him eaier last mornin... " so how`s it goin" the reply came in really fast " " plain blank.. and i realized as an artist he was tryin to express him self .do u know wht the answer was....?"nothing" so i sent him another sayin " Nothing? worry not." ( notice that there is no "D,E or F" on that sms ahahhahaa)Today was also the day some ppl made me realize that live is 2 short to keep grudges,Im just really exited bcoz i know that ppl around me really care fer me.
have a great day ahead fellas, just if ur feeling really bored or down drop me a comment id be delighted to see wht u guys have to say..
1 for the ever hard-workin seaman Chiris-- kkekekeke.
" thank you so much for- giving me a second chance"
ps-this guy made me realize some shit in live.....
Nevermind that!! about my title today.... u know it really suck to have great time wif ur frens only to realize that the time is 3.30am and u have work to do at 5am.But i just love it when u have all ur close friends wif you chilling out at the 'mamak' or somewhere jus doin somethin 2gather, thats wheen u start talking stories that are FOS(full of shit) and laugh out loud.
Speaking of close frens.. i have this fren of mine who works off shore.. man that dude is the man..he works his ass of fer like 60-70 days off shore (no holidays in between 12 hours a day) only to come back down to penang for like 4 -15 days of break- poor guys in allwasys on call 24-7.When they call him he has to drop wht ever hes doin and catch the next fight back to work :(
On the other hand its day 3 on my frens art show and i sms-ed him eaier last mornin... " so how`s it goin" the reply came in really fast " " plain blank.. and i realized as an artist he was tryin to express him self .do u know wht the answer was....?"nothing" so i sent him another sayin " Nothing? worry not." ( notice that there is no "D,E or F" on that sms ahahhahaa)Today was also the day some ppl made me realize that live is 2 short to keep grudges,Im just really exited bcoz i know that ppl around me really care fer me.
have a great day ahead fellas, just if ur feeling really bored or down drop me a comment id be delighted to see wht u guys have to say..
1 for the ever hard-workin seaman Chiris-- kkekekeke.
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Today i called some guy but instead a litte kid picked up the may i just say, that boy was handfull. he just made my mornin :) Its Day 2 on my friends art show today, wonder how it went :?
i tryed sms-ing him but there was just no reply..prolly he's just really really busy. i me3an this guy is like batman.... sure to return your call (wonder whts taking him so loong) Man its killin me to wait.
i tryed sms-ing him but there was just no reply..prolly he's just really really busy. i me3an this guy is like batman.... sure to return your call (wonder whts taking him so loong) Man its killin me to wait.
Oh yes;did u guys know he actually gav me one of his art that was displayed at his office. It caught my eyes the 1st time i saw it ..... and i remmebered something nice he taught me .
"If you want something just ASK ! ! !"
- i-Ming 2004-
And i just said it out "can i have that ??? "
he said "sure ..but be sure to take it before i change my mind :P"
i just have to get hold of a digital camera.. i know just the person who can lend it 2 me "Sand King" yeah you .. u know who u are :)
and just as i was riding my bike to work today some song kept playing in my head.. u know those days when u like a song and just keep on siinging it till u get sick of it?? then the radio in ur head just doesnt seem to quit playing it fer you ..yeah thats what im talking about.
"All i wanted to is be more like me....
and be less like you....."
-Chester Benington , Linkin Park-2003-
ahhaha have fun ppl life is too precious n like they all say -"life3 is short play hard"-
1 for my beloved mom :) shes my world...
today is just great...... had a great brakfast and a nice start.
i guess my friends art show should kick off today... man u guys ought to check his art out.. ill try to get some photos on it.. :)
im at work right now.. and today just seem to be just those days where u feel like banging at the wall. You see i work as an information service provider( we only call ppl frm Usa n Canada) and the object is to get conected to possile customers so our clients can get some leads, and currently im working on getting new home owners . Im calling Rhode Island , Massuchesset( ok ok i dunno how to spell) where mJORITY or the ppl there are hispanic. How do u aspect me to get ppl to buy a home...let alonbe those who dont speak english. ive just made about 100 calls and i dont even have a perfect call through :P hehe.
On another matter, i ve called my topic today beautiful because yesterday i had grreat progress in life and friendship.. trust me , every1 knows it hard to rebuild wht that has been lost in time :) but cool enuff hes a wonderful chap(ty soo much) . And of course im really looking forward to a great day ahead.
And 1 for the chairman..hehehe
i guess my friends art show should kick off today... man u guys ought to check his art out.. ill try to get some photos on it.. :)
im at work right now.. and today just seem to be just those days where u feel like banging at the wall. You see i work as an information service provider( we only call ppl frm Usa n Canada) and the object is to get conected to possile customers so our clients can get some leads, and currently im working on getting new home owners . Im calling Rhode Island , Massuchesset( ok ok i dunno how to spell) where mJORITY or the ppl there are hispanic. How do u aspect me to get ppl to buy a home...let alonbe those who dont speak english. ive just made about 100 calls and i dont even have a perfect call through :P hehe.
On another matter, i ve called my topic today beautiful because yesterday i had grreat progress in life and friendship.. trust me , every1 knows it hard to rebuild wht that has been lost in time :) but cool enuff hes a wonderful chap(ty soo much) . And of course im really looking forward to a great day ahead.
And 1 for the chairman..hehehe
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
New begining
k... never no done this before but he gones..
woke up at 5ish.. and was on my way to work ..amd YEs i fetch my lil god bro to school..
had break fast beside the pulau tikus police station.. yum yum nice lar the roti canai.. now at work.. just finnished here. kinda warm feeling here they treat you just the way u want em to...
now on my way over to a good fren of mine Ming. nice chap i tel...u hehehe
anywaasy im on my way to a new start this year hope that my biz plan kick of nicely other that that i hope that god blesses both my brother( karu n ian )
woke up at 5ish.. and was on my way to work ..amd YEs i fetch my lil god bro to school..
had break fast beside the pulau tikus police station.. yum yum nice lar the roti canai.. now at work.. just finnished here. kinda warm feeling here they treat you just the way u want em to...
now on my way over to a good fren of mine Ming. nice chap i tel...u hehehe
anywaasy im on my way to a new start this year hope that my biz plan kick of nicely other that that i hope that god blesses both my brother( karu n ian )
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