Being me - i am quite a reserve person - but i have counters in life
Like for instance when you are starting to feel hungry - u get a counter in you, then when you get a bit more hungry you get another counter !!! You see these counters builds up and eventually -you gotta eat or end up getting gastric pains which in my term blow up (reached exceeding limits)
ME ?? i have patience counter , and I have my ways and means of getting rid of the patience counters before i get angry - but recently i channeled my dissatisfaction to a certain party due to my overwhelming counters on patience - and i flushed it out like a young gun :(
I felt crappy later - but i managed to recover the situation in time -
As of any way like how Jessica Simpson made a public apology over her hawt/ disgusting (too some ppl) act on the Video clip of "These boots are made for walking" I would like say the same
" - sorry MR. BFPB it was my fault - "
You see sometimes its good to swallow egos - it gives you a "humble" counter :)
So guys next time - think before you act - because you don't wanna end up with too many "I dont like you" counters :P its very difficult to flush dem out :P
1 for ego pills that we swallow
just as things are starting to look even normal again....
volcano meletup...
pecah kepala...
raksaksa mari...
semua mati...
Sasi balik cennai to sell...
you need to puy urself in the penang pile to remove all counters..then go back!
Sasi you're tagged! Visit my non-food blog for details! :P
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