Wednesday, May 02, 2007

All the " I love you- you din't Love me back" guys out there

Since KL in my life - i have learned that things will always be the opposite of what ever we think of. I have been hearing a lot of i dint get a chance / i wasn't given a chance.
Its like this......

take for instance Jane, Jerry and Jill-

Jill is madly in love wit Jerry
but Jerry is madly in love with Jane
and Jane is MADLY in love with Jill's HOt ---- (Yummy - fyi Jill doesn't know it )

So one day Jerry couldn't hold his feeling for Jane anymore and decided to let her know about it - and what you think she's gonna say ?

" Look here Jerry you a "great friend" but hoaid aoidhadad adhadh qodhaid sfwlui dfgdg (the rest of em is just Jerry looking at her silent lips)

Then when Jill confessed her love to Jerry - he just rejected her because his heart is with another HAWT girl. Why? because he finds her not compatible with HIM and there is nothing in this world she can do to change his feelings towards her- its like eating a cheese cake with sambai toppings(its not like you cant eat it ..its just.........)-end of story-

For all those broken hearts out there, hang in there guys - its not like the end of the world- pick your self up and keep moving on. My love was rejected too.. :(

NOW moving on to Jane, when she confessed her love to Jill - Jill excepted her love just to break Jerry's heart. And that was IT LA - Jane and Jill lived happily ever after.

1 for all the broken hearts.


Dan said...

to be read in tune to Jimmy Ruffin's What becomes of the broken-hearted?

Sasi a.k.a Saz said...

we need to learn to forget about it - there is little we can do to ease our pain within -

i know it still hurts

B r y a N ` said...

broken heart..GG
Happy birthday to u !

Sasi a.k.a Saz said...

thanx man :)

Dun worry be happy :)

Anonymous said...

Recently,some one broke my heart too... very badly... but guess what, i'm a very strong person.. got over it in a day itself. Remember keep ur options open, that's what my EX boyfriend advices me...

Mogg said...


i wanna love jane tooo.


love is tough, you need to fight for it.

Sasi a.k.a Saz said...

Can Jane is like "Open source" now eehehe
Aishu ,
good to know your getting over it - keeping an option open only when u feel that the current person is not right for you :(

Anonymous said...

Current person is not the right one for me... He is not 'the one', i think i deserve some one better