Being me - i am quite a reserve person - but i have counters in life
Like for instance when you are starting to feel hungry - u get a counter in you, then when you get a bit more hungry you get another counter !!! You see these counters builds up and eventually -you gotta eat or end up getting gastric pains which in my term blow up (reached exceeding limits)
ME ?? i have patience counter , and I have my ways and means of getting rid of the patience counters before i get angry - but recently i channeled my dissatisfaction to a certain party due to my overwhelming counters on patience - and i flushed it out like a young gun :(
I felt crappy later - but i managed to recover the situation in time -
As of any way like how Jessica Simpson made a public apology over her hawt/ disgusting (too some ppl) act on the Video clip of "These boots are made for walking" I would like say the same
" - sorry MR. BFPB it was my fault - "
You see sometimes its good to swallow egos - it gives you a "humble" counter :)
So guys next time - think before you act - because you don't wanna end up with too many "I dont like you" counters :P its very difficult to flush dem out :P
1 for ego pills that we swallow