Monday, April 23, 2007

Ehh i didn't know that

Ever been in a scenario where you know what is wrong with the whole picture but you just have to/ choose to keep quite because the "one" who is trying to figure out the solution is your superior / or someone your not quite fond of ?

Don't quite get it ? heres a case study;

Scene 1:

You company phone has speed dials, one of your colleagues still goes around frantically asking every1 he knows for a certain person number not knowing that you can speed dial, he even goes to the length to call others and ask them to sms the particular contact :P lol

Scene 2:
You can simply pick-up my office phone and dial a certain extension and get connected directly to the other office phones.. most of you already know that, but did u know IF
  1. you were to pick up ,
  2. press the disconnecter ,
  3. release the disconnecter
  4. and then hang-up
Did you know that you have just paged yourself?? So as soon as you hang up the phone will ring immediately !! LoL- mine however takes around 3 secs before it rings.

There is this one such guy at my office, he make calls and always cuts of the calls by simply pressing the disconnecter and only then hanging up.

Usually he will walk away and then run back to the phone to stop the phones ringing. This was going on for like a FEW MONTHs back when i started to work there maybe longer LORL

Did you know - that i found out about the whole thing just by looking at this poor chap everyday.But i am just too tired of sharing my knowledge with others-- besides.... like my friend always says " Always keep a few cards in hand" Cheer fellas :)

1 for WoW as mine expires today :(


Elaine said...

Hey Sasi!
Glad you're back into blogging :D

I so know what you mean about dumbass morons at workplace (or anywhere in general). I've had my fair share of them in one of my old workplace..but then again, the guy is old and little bit guess I couldn't blame him if he didn't understand the term "Operating System".

Sasi a.k.a Saz said...

hey expedited writer,

Thank you so much - i mean not knowing what an OS is . OK ... , now that is a different set of moron all together.