Saturday, March 04, 2006

I`d try to explain ..hhmmm

We all know that an old man is a wise man , they can adbise you and give you words of wisdom , and the`ve done a lot of things bad in life -- so the advise you on what not to do ...i was taught a lot of things reacently.... then while i was at work i came up with this phrase

"it is the bad guys who turn good that are good in advising"
well ive seen that today i really thought that i fucked it big time but..but ..there are people out there who have screwes things up even worst....
I have a bad guy whose my mentor now :)
he dint shave today LOL
listen to cover sung by( good shit )
Gavin Degraw - Against all odds
<---The most expensive magic card ever printed
1 for WOW .... mmuuhahhahaha


Mogg said...

hey ! thats mine la !!
wakakak !


enjoy !

Sasi a.k.a Saz said...

hey mogg,
Thanx man :)

oh yes the picture is courtesy from morgan :)