Wednesday, February 22, 2006

WHat ??? I cant believe my eyes

I work at Fitness club as a membership consultant , the job is pretty easy ..depends on how you look at it :)
Now basically u call people and invite em to the club , after a full tour of the club , you sit them down and explain all the club term and the pakages available..this is when it gets tricky- you need to get em signed in order to make a normally i`d make 1 sale in every other day BUT = yesterday i had 9 SALES !!!! which was awsome YEEEEAAAHHH !!!! which is 45% of my target for the month.

Nevermind that , i had a chat with my friend and he came to realize how attached i am with my brother... aaahhh the good old day (and they still are)

I remember those days when i`d wait outside my house waiting for my brother to return from school= cuz i know that he`d have bought sumthing for me , maybe like a chickdee or sum chocolate or sumthing... and he never comes empty handed almost everyday.

He`s made me the man i`m right now and guided me through all the way right up to now..
"Anneh" im still you lil bro , thank you sooo much for everything and being patient all this time with me you the best brother anyone in this workd can get :)

It makes me wanna be the same *sob* sob*

1 for my brother KARU who cares for me unconditionally


kairosnow said...

Wow..this post was so different from your normal ones :). I enjoyed reading it!. Good to know that you have two lovely brothers.

Convey my regards to your Anneh :). Tell him somebody from Bangalore now recognizes him for all the good things and the love he has for his brother Sasi :).

Sasi a.k.a Saz said...

Dear Chez ,
my bro worked on IT based company back here in penang , and he`s been to banglore once ... he made some great friends there... and he went on saying that the food the people the temples and everything was just awsome...

Have a good one Chez

kairosnow said...

Hey Sasi...thanks!. I'd love to be your host in Bangalore :)

PuNeEt said...

9 sales...
thats so damn cool


nice to knw abt ur rapport wth ur bro...

wondering how its linked with ur job ;-)
