Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Easy things were once very hard to achieve
and am looking to feel it to be "easy" fast. But then again if it gets easy really fast then it is simply an easy task in my humble opinion, something which is hard to be executed is what i am trying to achieve here. DOnt you wish that working out 4 times a day was easy for you ?? Yeah its easy to do it for a week but can you do it forever ?? it takes perseverance .......
1 for making life easy......
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
How come I am like still searching ...
i Think you`ve begin to chase another - we humans are never satisfied with what we have are we . :)
BUT dogsss.... and cats.. i mean i have to give it to you la god.. you`ve given them that pleasure one and only "high"... i feel like a mouse at times..always runing away from high chasers...(My nandes are slipping outa my closet)
Im still chasing that la. Just a bit more time and i think i will get it
and a bit more
and a bit more abi.........
1 got chasing high :D
Monday, June 18, 2007
Great people come within :)
I know how i feel most of the time - its just that you cant expect to see through that mask !!!
Ka- Damn...
So far im seeing "nice" people - mind me i am not looking for the opposite - just paranoid :P
So what are you today ? i felt like a salesman LOL -- all over again ahahaha
1 for Wasabi and Porksu-DOn ekekek
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Favourite Songs
My all time favorite is Push By Matchbox Twenty
1 for Matchbox Twenty
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Can you just watch ?
The moment you thought i was wrong thinking like that - all i can say is act what you think and give that soul a helping hand , i do it everyday ... makes me feel a million ringgits..
Coming to KL has taught me a lot - but moving places doesn't change us - its US. When we decide to change we prevail.
P.s I don't simply just watch :)
1 for Benny Bennassi
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Test of Faith !

Do u have faith in GOD ? do u have Faith in yourself ? Do you have faith in me ?
I tend to come to this point in my life- i call it the mirroring affection -its like this
When you tend to trust in others ?? Have you ever realized that you are subconsciously seeking faith in yourself from that person that you trust !! ?
The same goes to Loving and Hate , and friendship and everything else in between.....
I`ve noticed something here in myself today, no matter how hard i try not - to NOT , the deeper i plunge in-
You cant have thing goes your way... unless your ordering Char Koay Teow la, heh.. the chef can even get your order wrong at times......you know
1 for faith that we all speak of
Friday, June 08, 2007
Keeping an Eye
Sometimes when u see that quite guy in the office, you just ignore him and carry on doing you daily stuff but you never know what is that person thinks- amiright !!! there the people that he despises because no matter how hard he tries to get along he/she just behaves like a tramp/camp. He talks to them when necessary but just tries to avoid em most of the time :P There are also the people he has a certain opinion about but just looks at him/her from a distance and keeps up piling up his own opinions- but never has an idea of what the person might be on "live" still beta !!!!. And then there are the role model / idols that you wish you could be friends with- or even a click that you wish you were in. and always the crush of hawt hawt office chicks that hang around you building - I mean "its like a shopping complex . And also the people that you worry for - the folks that you love for and the friends that your friends for :) so the next time you see a quite person out there - do take sum time and say a word or two - HEy they might end up being a great friend or even a lover :)
1 for A.D.D
This is what I call "chew cheng" this is and "instant messaging" service at my office internal look wht i have typed
12:27PM sasi****n.a******m: and please comment - leave name behind ur punk
12:27PM sasi****n.a******m: dammit
12:27PM sasi****n.a******m: leave your name being punk !! *
12:27PM sasi****n.a******m: ahh much better grammar
12:27PM sasi****n.a******m:omh Behind*
12:28PM sasi****n.a******m: mog*
12:28PM sasi****n.a******m: omg**
And none for typo
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Traffic is terrible / i kena TAG
recently I went down to Penang only to be stuck in a 10 journey which will only take me 6hours usual- I had some things covered up at home was getting ready to go back KL. and was again greeted by the horrible jam which also took 10 hours. You see the this is this scenario is unavoidable !!!! because the school holidays have started BUT the main reason the roads were jammed up because it is not been fully restored yet - nearly 10km of ulu bernma to KL is narrow - from a normal 2 lane it has changed to a 1.8 lane so u can only see cars moving slowly in both direction due to delayed work- wonder when are they going to fix it. I am guessing that the coming week will be the same too .
Nvm that -But its just that you have a few ounce of hours in Penang and you want to make the best of it. Well I did and it was great being home again. I had a special Char Koay Teow which was Rm 8 whereby it's served with succulent prawns- 5 of em .
ON the other note MY is coming up out Malaysian dream of getting a well and an organised guild is way on its way - not all we need to get id TM nut to allow proper packet shaping and not screw up or ping or so I suspect. I think we are way on to victory its we are just moments away from raiding Kara
lets make this happen guys
mainly the EEGs
MALAYsia Boleh
MY boleh
TM nut takbleh
1 for MY
AND the 15 things i wanna do before i DIE in no Particular order
1.VIsit Japan !!!!
2. Have my own Restaurant
3. GEt a Tattoo
4. Post with a TOP model - i mean like a Studio Photo LOL and she`s gotta be like hawt "wht u posed with HER !!!!! "
5.Meet DR. Mahathir and aiswarya rai, jessica alba, jessica simpsom, misa campo, beyonce, shakira ,mischa barton, careedee ..........
6. go for a MATCHBOX TWENTY or LINKIN PARK CONCERT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
7.GEt on a PLane - i mean ive never sat on a plane b4 :P
8.GO to an island where the water is CRYSTAL clear - i mean anywhere !!!
9. GO on a BACK pack allover malaysia - to start with !!! then the world !
10. Sky diving or even freefall like base jumping !!!
11.play a small role in a movie
12. a threesome with a lesbian twin LOL
13. i wanna be a padwan and then a jedi master in real life la - like be a role model !
14. make a famous Youtube clip !
15. Buy a house and settle in PENANG - my hometown my life....
thank you so much for that tag Elaine - i kinda took longer than i expected
and i tag